Monday, February 28, 2005

Blizzard of Birthday Cards from Home

Well, just when I thought my birthday was over, what do you know, but I get a heavy, substantial packet from my family in Oregon. It looks like quite an effort; every hand in the house, that wasn't incapacitated in some way or another, was press-ganged into this enormous transfer of paper, comics, miss-yous and what not from one side of the Pacific to the other.

What can I say? I must say I was touched. Although I must alert all of those of my gentle readers who abhor cruelty to animals, that one animal was harmed in the making of this blog.

That is, if the impassioned writings of small fry can be trusted. Bee-Bee (her real name is Beatrice, but she really has the energy of a BB just leaving the muzzle of an air-rifle) not only wrote to introduce her 'puppy', but big Brother Arlen left me with something of a 'Help, I'm a prisoner in a Fortune Cookie factory' sort of missive:

"Dear Kelly,
How are you? We miss you. Our puppy is big and bald. Mom scalped him. His hair is long all over.

except on his head.


I took the liberty of amending the punctuation and spacing somewhat (the original is done in very rococco cursive, but I thought I'd spare you the extra image), but there you have it, a truly impassioned plea for help. I would alert the nearest PETA branch, but I fear that the dog is out of their reach, being, as it were, in a small town between two other smallish towns.

Somewhere in Oregon.

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