Sunday, September 23, 2007

Random ??? Sunrise/Sunset - guessing game

I had wanted to upload the latest of my journeys, the Amazon, with a random beautiful sunset, but those pictures are buried somewhere on my other storage drive, floating somewhere in hundreds of .avi files (I'm going totally digital, sort of a hopeless, endless project of replacing my 1000 plus dvd's with big black stacks of hard drives).

Anyhow, to keep you from saying I'm a hopeless tease, here is a random sunset, certainly not as spectacular but no less exotic. Any guesses as to what ?? city?? this is? And is it Sunrise or Sunset and how do you know?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sunrise! Ankor Wat? How to know it's sunrise... the clouds are in very thin layers and the coloring is on the underside of the clouds -??? just guessing