Wednesday, March 02, 2005

dead things

Today the snow was a good omen. As it usually is where things concerning school are. I mean, how many of us prayed for a snow like this when we were tired of school? It really seemed like a gift from the heavens (literally) back then, and it seems no less now. Now Seoul is quieter, warmer, and more tranquil looking with its new snowjob.

Speaking of which, I nearly put a picture of my long-dead and unnamed cricket up. The reason is that I left the laptop at the office and am typing from the desktop at home. That is, the reason that I nearly put a picture of the cricket up....not the reason he is long dead and still unnamed. A linguist would point out all the ambiguities in the above sentences, but I'll just stop there. The cricket is already dead enough without beating him more with descriptive functional linguistics....

anyways...(another curious thing; I apparently am the ONLY native speaker of English to say 'anyways' instead of 'anyway')...I decided, instead of the aforementioned long dead and nomenclature challenged arthropod, to give you a nice cheery picture of a painting by a friend in Thailand, TANARUG (aka 'Bird') - who personally I consider one of the best artists I've ever known (are you reading this, Bird?)

Also don't even THINK about stealing his images for commercial use (this blog is still listener-supported) or I will hunt you down. However, if you'd like some of his artwork, I can hook you up with him (shameless plug - I told you bird, it's Picasso's legacy to the artworld)...

I better end this blog here before you figure out that I'm too tired from the stress of first-day-of-class hysteria to write decently.

and before I go, for those of you who like to chill, I'd like to recommend the music of Carla Bruni, in case you haven't discovered her yet. The sound of her breathy notes makes me believe that puppy love is possible even for old pokes like me....yes, I LOVE that woman's voice!

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